Sunday, June 29, 2008

Free Standing Racquetball Courts


Cloe is fat and should definitely be on a diet!

The other day I watched as he lay on the ground to win the heat: it is thrown on its side, letting the force of gravity, encouraged by the enormous weight of the belly that set it apart, put in a horizontal position. It is almost heard a thud, a lame elephant would have been more sensitive, I think ....

The kitten should definitely eat less and exercise more!

As for the food, it will be hard, since we have not determined the dry food, arguing that the cat was able to figure out just how many were to eat. So, Chloe is accustomed to always have a bowl full of Crocchi and can not bear to see it empty. Even calls us to fill it again before it has been emptied of everything. When it is empty, however, continues to call in the kitchen and meow until we fill it to him, but what is most paradoxical is that the request is not always due to hunger, since not even stop to eat after we paid the food, but from a pure and uncontrollable need to see the bowl is always full.

then it should move at least a bit 'more! At home, however, aside from Aunt Vivi the chase for the home, are all too lazy to get to play and the cat, also, Chloe has so much hot these days, which sometimes stretches and pulls on nothing and nobody ...

If it were a dog, take her to run in the park, on Sunday, but a poor little cat is spoiled, how do I?

Tomorrow, I will ask the owner of the gym if I can join today so I would have company, and together, we could happily run on the treadmill, laughing at all those fustoni that swell of muscles and the verses that make up while pulling the weights exaggerated!

If they do not even card in the gym, however, must resort to more extreme rimendi: I expect then that Aunt Ale prepared a nice corset that makes the by wasp waist, the kind that makes the customer vip, perhaps, though, avoiding certain models with a pointed roof that seems to like them so much!


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